Patients and relatives


1. Do you visit a patient?


When the patient is hospitalized, he faces an experience that requires a double physical and mental effort; Therefore, he needs more hours of rest, so we ask you to respect the following rules:


I. Strictly respect the visiting hours, which are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

II. Only two people are allowed in the patient's room at a time during the day and one visitor per patient in the general ward.

III. Only one person is allowed to accompany the patient overnight.

IV. To sit, use the chairs or armchairs in the patient's room, do not do it in bed, as it affects the patient's comfort.**

V. Do not come in with a cold or cough, you can infect your patient.

VI. Based on article 277 Bis of the General Health Law, the Hospital is a tobacco-free area.

VII. The existence of food waste favors the proliferation of harmful fauna, which is why the patient's relatives cannot eat food in the room or in the waiting rooms.

VIII. Maintain silence and composure both in the room and outside of it.

IX. Do not walk with noisy steps, nor speak loudly, since the noises bother the patients.

X. Children are easy prey to infections, which is why children under 12 years of age are not allowed to visit the hospital's rooms or intensive care.

XI. Visiting hours in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are from 10:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., from 4:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.

**In addition, it implies a risk of infection for the patient and the family member.

For the safety of the patient, everyone should wash their hands before and after having contact with him.


2. Guide for the patient and family

Do you visit a patient?

When the patient is hospitalized, he faces an experience that requires a double physical and mental effort; Therefore, he needs more hours of rest, so we ask you to respect the following rules:

I. Strictly respect the visiting hours, which are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
II. Only a maximum of two people are allowed at a time in the patient's room and/or general room during the day. In health contingency regardless of traffic lights at the state level there will be only 1 person per room.
III. Only one person is allowed to accompany the patient overnight in their room.
IV. To sit down, use the chairs or armchairs in the patient's room, do not do it in bed, as it affects the patient's comfort, in addition to implying a risk of infection for the patient and family member.
V. Entry with symptoms of respiratory diseases is not allowed as you can infect your patient.
VI. Based on article 277 Bis of the General Health Law, the Hospital is a tobacco-free area, therefore the consumption of tobacco inside the hospital is prohibited..
VII. The existence of food waste favors the proliferation of harmful fauna, which is why the patient's relatives CANNOT CONSUME FOOD IN THE ROOM OR IN THE WAITING ROOMS, WE REMIND THEM THAT THEY CAN GO TO THE DINING ROOM AND/OR CAFÉ .
VIII. Keep silence and composure both in the room and outside of it, Avoid generating noise that prevents the pleasant rest of the patients.
XI. Visiting hours in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Remembering that visiting hours and reports will depend on the needs of UCIA patients in relation to their medical care.
Visits to patients who are in the Covid area are not allowed.
The delivery of belongings in COVID patients will take place in the ambulance access next to the Emergency Admission.
It is not allowed to take photos or video in the hospital facilities.
For the safety of the patient, everyone should wash their hands before and after having contact with him.


The adequate diet according to the condition of each of our patients is a fundamental part of their recovery, which is why our Institution has a Nutrition Department, which is in charge of supervising that each meal of the day is perfectly balanced; in order to cover the needs of the patient according to the type of illness and the indications of his doctor.
We ask you to follow only the diet that is assigned to you, taking into account that it is vital for your speedy recovery.

The meal schedule is:
Breakfast: from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED FOR FAMILY MEMBERS TO EAT OR BRING EXTERNAL FOOD INTO THE PATIENT'S ROOM, the institution offers the dining room and/or cafeteria area to eat their food.
The food service is exclusively for hospital patients because their diets are prepared under the instructions of the treating physician.

Medical expenses insurance

What does your insurance cover?
In order to support your efforts before your Insurance Company, we inform you of the main characteristics, as well as the most frequent expenses that the Insurers do not cover.
However, each company and each policy vary, so this information is only an additional support that we are happy to provide.

1. Deductible:
It is the fixed amount contracted that must be covered for each eventuality.

2. Coinsurance or copayment:
It is the contracted percentage that you must pay as participation, applied to your total account.

3. Sum assured:
It is the maximum limit of liability that the Insurance Company will cover for your event according to the conditions set forth in the policy..
It is important to bear in mind that even if the insured amount is limited or sufficient, it does not imply that the insurance pays more than what is considered within its tabulators for each event..

4. Pre-existing:
They are illnesses acquired before taking out your policy and that were:
a) Diagnosed by a doctor.
b) Apparent in sight.
c) Diseases that, due to their symptoms, could not be unnoticed.

Insurers do not normally cover pre-existing.

5. Deductible in cases of multiple conditions:
If your hospitalization includes more than one covered condition, you will probably be charged a deductible for each one.

6. Requirements for the medical opinion to be processed and requested through the hospital:
Although this is a procedure carried out by the insured, at La Bene we support you with the procedures before your Insurer, for which we ask you to deliver your current Insurer credential or card, official identification of the patient, at the time of admission current and the policy holder. In case of being a minor, a Vaccination Record or Birth Certificate is required.
The personnel of our Institution will carry out the corresponding procedure with your Insurance Company and we will keep you informed of its response.
Normally this process takes a period of time of approximately 24 hours, so it is important that you notify the Institution upon arrival that you have Medical Expense Insurance to support you with the process.
We have staff 365 days a year, for programming and carrying out the direct payment process.

In the case of scheduled surgery, it is best to process your authorization with the Insurer in advance.
Some expenses that are not normally covered by insurance companies:
Items for personal use:
Long-distance calls, newspapers, sweets, florist, adult diapers, companion food, cotton pack, razors (after the first), restaurant and cafeteria service, postpartum girdles, sanitary napkins (except in childbirth and gynecological surgeries ), oral and rectal thermometer, breast pump, pillow.

Newborn expenses:
Photography, ear lobe piercing, circumcision, etc., heated sheet or quilt used after surgery (except when medically indicated), diapers, milk, and toiletries.

In the event that the patient requests a room (suite), he must pay the difference, it will not cover the Cía. of Insurance the expenses derived from blood or organ donors.
Any questions that arise, we are at your disposal to connect you with your company. of Insurance to clarify any doubt regarding his policy. Area of Agreements Ext. 184/185/229

Extra services

For your peace of mind and greater security, we suggest you not bring any valuables with you (jewelry, money, etc.) since we are not responsible for forgotten or lost items inside your room and/or the hospital facilities.
We also inform you that if necessary, each room has a safe.
To assign a security code follow the instructions below:
1. Press the red button located inside the safe while the lid is open.
2. The yellow LED lights up. You have 20 seconds to enter a new code. You can enter 3 to 8 numeric digits. To finish press the letter A or B and the yellow LED turns off.
You can bring your personal items (toothbrush, shampoo, etc.). Once hospitalized, you must wear the hospital clothing provided and follow the instructions of the treating physician. Clothes and towels are for the exclusive use of the patient. Please leave them in the room upon discharge of the patient.

We have an ATM network so that you can have cash without having to leave our facilities. The ATMs are located at the access entrance to the offices and outside the Covadonga Pavilion

Located on the ground floor of the Hospital (entering through Carranza).
For security reasons, it is not allowed to enter and light candles inside the chapel, nor in the niches that are in different parts of the hospital.

We have parking service 24 hours a day at an affordable price, in addition, one free drawer per room will be granted, which will be subject to the availability of parking spaces. We are NOT responsible for the partial or total loss or theft of the vehicle or for damage to it, its contents or accessories, mechanical failures and objects inside the vehicle.

You can request it in the Admissions module or by dialing extension 101 or 300.

For your peace of mind we have surveillance personnel and a video surveillance circuit in the main service areas, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Patient and family education

Infection Prevention

Health Care Associated Infections (HAI) are hospital-acquired infections that affect 5% of patients (2 million people per year) worldwide and are caused by highly resistant microorganisms.
These infections can not only affect patients but also anyone in the hospital environment, so adequate hygiene measures must be followed to prevent them.

Hygiene measures to prevent hospital infections
1. Do not bring food into the rooms, as it may be contaminated. Therefore, only the food that is prepared in the hospital kitchen and that is exclusively for the patient will enter.
2. Do not sit or lie on the patient's bed to avoid contamination with microorganisms that can be found on our clothes.
3. Avoid bringing young children (under 12 years of age), as they are more susceptible to contracting an infection.
4. Maintain adequate ventilation in the room to help air circulation.
5. Limit visitors to 1-2 people in the room at the same time to avoid overcrowding and disease transmission.
6. Constant hand hygiene and proper technique.
7.- The use of face masks is mandatory during the patient's stay.
Help us prevent hospital infections!

Emergency Management

The Sociedad de Beneficencia Española, A.C., in accordance with compliance with the model of the General Health Council for Health Care with Quality and Safety, prepares and maintains programs to respond to probable emergency situations.
Mentioned below are a series of recommendations that we must adopt to facilitate the work of brigade personnel who will support you in the event of an emergency situation that requires an evacuation of the establishment.


When entering the hospital, identify the nearest evacuation route.
The codes established by the hospital are the following:
RED: Explosion or fire
GREEN: Evacuation
PINK: Theft of infant

When you hear the voice of an emergency code, follow the instructions below:

  • Keep calm, don't yell, don't run, don't push.
  • From any point in the building there is an evacuation route, follow the route signs or the instructions of the emergency team.
  • Do not use the elevators.
  • Once the evacuation has begun, do not back away.
  • Do not carry bulky items.
  • Walk briskly, but don't run.
  • If necessary, collaborate in the evacuation of disabled people.

Once outside the building, go to the outside meeting point indicated by the brigade staff and wait for instructions.

Satisfaction survey
Our goal is to work for continuous improvement in the services we offer, provide information and guidance in a truthful, efficient and timely manner, which is why we have the Public Relations Area that will be the contact between you and us for everything related to your hospitalization.
Your comments and suggestions will help us a lot to continue providing you with a good service during your stay, so we would appreciate it if you answer the survey provided by this area when you leave, or make use of the suggestion boxes found in the corridors of the hospital.
We place ourselves at your service, wishing that your stay with us is comfortable and hoping that you have been satisfied with the care received.
Thank you for your trust.

Committed to the environment
It must be understood that ecology and environmental problems are not the problem of a few but of all, which is why we must take actions that contribute to solving them.
Good environmental practices are effective instruments for environmental improvement. By committing to these actions, it is possible to reduce contaminants such as solid waste as much as possible, as well as prevent the irrational use of water and energy.
Within this context, La Bene San Luis seeks to promote an ecological culture among all its staff and patients, in order to prevent and mitigate those significant environmental impacts. Therefore, committed to the environment, we invite you to join in the continuous improvement of the activities you carry out on a daily basis, thus increasing the efficient use of resources and helping us reduce any negative impact on the environment.
-Turn off the bedroom and bathroom light if you are not using it.
-Make sure doors are closed while air conditioning or heating is running to prevent unnecessary energy loss.
-Do not throw food waste, paper or sanitary towels, among others, into the toilet, because not only does the system clog, but large amounts of water are required to evacuate the waste.
-Use the necessary water for your hand washing.
-If you detect a malfunction, leaks, drips, humidity or any abnormality, notify the nursing staff who will in turn report it to the corresponding area.
Let's adopt a lifestyle that respects the environment, from your room, a small change in time can make a difference.
Thank you for taking care of our environment!

3. hospital map

mapa areas hospital

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Sociedad de Beneficencia Española A.C. Grupo Hospital Español ANGELS COMMUNITY ESR